William Shrewsbury Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 Information page


The Year 6 Team

Mrs Brampton, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Poynton, Mrs Wellman, Mrs Stanyon, Mrs Beckwith,  Mrs O'Hara and Mrs Shaw.


zpoynton@williamshrewsbury.com Mrs Poynton 6R

egriffiths@williamshrewsbury.com Mrs Griffiths 6B (Thursday and Friday), 6G (Tuesday) and 6R (Monday)

hbrampton@williamshrewsbury.com Mrs Brampton 6B

rwellman@williamshrewsbury.com Mrs Wellman 6G

 Class Timetables

Here you will find the individual class timetables for 6B, 6G and 6R. PDF versions to download are at the bottom of the page.

6B - Mrs Brampton/Mrs Griffiths:

6b 2024 25 timetable 1 .pdf




6G - Mrs Wellman/Mrs Griffiths:



6R - Mrs Poynton/Mrs Griffiths:





What can I do to support my child?

There are many ways that we encourage a love of reading in school but home reading is also essential in developing your child’s reading ability and understanding. As you can see from the above graphic, a child that reads for 20 minutes a day is exposed to 1.8 million words. This can make a huge difference to their learning and children in this category are more likely to achieve greater results. Therefore, as a parent/guardian we would ask you to aim for your child to read for 20 minutes per day (more if possible but this may depend on the age of your child). Reading material could be based on our school Recommended Reads list or other exciting texts that you may already have at home or want to purchase. Remember that children also love being read to (even in Year 6!). As well as the enjoyment and discussion this brings, it also allows for a higher level text to be used and therefore exposure to more developed language. All of this ensures that we are all working together for the aim of developing our children to become lifelong readers.

Ideally, our Recommended Reads texts will be kept in school; however, on occasion when a child asks (and is totally immersed in the story) the teacher may allow your child to take this book home to read. However, if this is the case and the book is lost or comes back damaged, please be aware that we will be asking for a replacement or a monetary contribution towards the repair.

Recommended Reads Year 6


Year 6 texts to support learning

These are the texts that your children will be studying for English during Year 6.  Children will have a copy of this book to share during lessons but if you feel that your child would benefit form having their own copy, or indeed would prefer this, they are more than welcome to bring in their own.


Autumn - Moondial, The Highwayman

Spring - Goodnight Mister Tom, Macbeth

Summer - Kensukee's Kingdom



Homework will be given out every Friday to be returned the following Friday.  This will include one piece of English, Maths and Spellings.  This year spelling tests will take a new format where children will complete spelling tests in pairs, as a challenge, rather than an individual test.

Trips/Important dates

Autumn - Claymills Pumping Station - September 30th.

                  Victorian Day - Children to come dressed as Victorian children - date tbc.

                  Christmas Concert/Victorian Market - Wednesday 6th December

Summer - tbc.

Class Dojo reward system

The whole school is now using the Class Dojo website to recognise children's positive behaviour, in place of the tokens which we have used previously. The reasons these are awarded in Year 6 and what the children can expect in the way of individual and whole class rewards are outlined in the poster below. At the moment we are not planning to use the Class Dojo website to link with parents, but we will be looking at this as a possibility for the future.

dojo .pdf


Meet the Teacher

Our Meet the Teacher meeting will be on Thursday 12th September at 2.45pm in the Main Hall, in which we will introduce you to each of the Year 6 teachers and go through the routines, curriculum and expectations in Year 6, as well as some support which is available to you and your child at home.

Useful Links

TT Rockstars

Discovery Education Espresso

Education City

Go Read

Y6 Maths support 


Sewing Videos

Running Stitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4nhj8kMpAI

Back Stitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ_wVC84UmM

Over Stitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmD9vpo5Fso

Blanket Stitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9zegUYdPmg