William Shrewsbury Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Year Four (ID 1237)


Contact Information

If you need to contact your child's class teacher please send an email to the class email address below. If it is an urgent message, please ring the office directly.

4B- Mr Riley - ariley@williamshrewsbury.com

4G- Miss Hunt - lhunt@williamshrewsbury.com

4R- Mrs Bell - cbell@williamshrewsbury.com

TA's - Mrs Branton, Mrs Considine, Mrs Lindsay

PPA Staff - Mrs O'Hara, Mrs Russell and Mrs Brown

Key information

Meet the Teacher

Please see the presentation below if you'd like to see what was discussed at the meeting this year. You will also find the ISBN numbers for our class texts on there, as requested.

Meet the Teacher 2022


Our PE days in Year 4 are Thursdays and Fridays. All classes will need an outdoor and indoor PE kits. Please NAME each item of your child's PE Kit clearly so nothing is lost! Please can you ensure your child has their hair tied back on PE days and earrings/sports watches are removed. Unfortunately, teaching staff are NOT able to help children to do this. 

There will be some swimming sessions but you will have notice about this nearer the time. If your child wishes to wear goggles, you will need to complete a permission form on Google Forms.


In Year 4, children will be set weekly spellings to learn and are expected to practise their times tables using TTrockstars, amongst other methods daily, for short bursts of 5 - 10 minutes. There will be supplementary resources sent home from time to time too.

This is very similar to the national 'Multiplication Tables Check' which all children will sit in June 2023. Please also read with or to your child at least three times a week and record this on the Boom Reader app! 


Useful Links for learning at home

Espresso: https://online.espresso.co.uk/espresso/login/Authn/UserPassword

Username: student27621 Password: coding

Education City: https://ec1.educationcity.com/user_management/index/

TTrockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com

Lexia: https:/  /www.lexiacore5.com

Times Tables songs: bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/times-table-collection/z4vv6v4

Go Read: https://go-read.co.uk/

Pobble: https://www.pobble.com/

Statutory Exception Words: https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk


Miss Hunt, Mr Riley, Mrs Bell