William Shrewsbury Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

We are so excited to welcome you to Year 2 and look forward to getting to know you and your children this year.

Our staff in Year 2:

Year Two (ID 1235)


Information about Year 2: 

Welcome to Year 2 (2024-25)

Meet the Teacher (2024-25)

Class Emails

We will access any emails at the start and end of each day. Could we please ask that you keep us informed of any changes to the normal collection of your child at the end of the day for obvious safety reasons. Thank you.

Mr O'Sullivan 2B: jo'sullivan@williamshrewsbury.com

Miss Perry 2G: jperry@williamshrewsbury.com

Mrs Wright 2R: jwright@williamshrewsbury.com 

Useful Information

Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle to school each day as we do not have access to drinking fountains in the mobiles. Our school policy is for water only, no flavoured waters or juices please.

Please label all school uniform, including coats and footwear, and all items belonging to your child's PE kit. It is really difficult to track down lost items of clothing if they are not clearly named!

Please see information below about P.E. 

Physical Education (P.E.)

Our 2024/25 PE days are:
Tuesday - All of Year 2 (Indoor)
Wednesday - All of Year 2 (Outdoor)

These are subject to change but you will be notified in advance.

Please see the attached PDF regarding school uniform and P.E. kit. 

School Uniform June 2024

Your child will need an indoor and outdoor PE kit. It is important to mention that we will be having all of our PE lessons in a variety of weather's this year. When we use the field a spare carrier bag would be beneficial to put muddy footwear as this would be much appreciated.

If your child is attending an after school sports club, please ensure they have their kit with them. If they are using their school PE kit, please make sure this is returned for our PE days.

Please can earrings be removed on PE days or ensure that your child is able to do this independently in case you forget? We are not allowed to remove earrings ourselves or tape over them. A container or purse would be helpful to put them in to keep them safe.


Supporting Your Child's Learning


Please see the attachments below for our sound mat, tricky word mat and common exception words mat. You may want to use these at home to read and write words, put words into sentences and spot different sounds in books.

Tricky Word MatPhonics sound matYear 1 and 2 Common Exception Words




We recommend that your child reads aloud for at least 20 minutes each day. This can be fiction books, poetry, e-books, recipes, instructions or comics. We also encourage the children to change their school reading books at least twice a week. It is great that some children have already started changing their books more frequently. We encourage the children to change their books independently so please remind them in the morning if you have packed their bag for them! The children love the Ready...Steady...Read challenges and certificates they receive. Please feel free to record any books that you share at home with your child, not just the school readers.


"Teaching them to read is the greatest gift we can give our children." 


We will be sharing some great class texts this year including:

  • On the Way Home by Jill Murphy
  • The Bear and the Piano by David Lichfield
  • The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson
  • The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage
  • Hotel Flamingo by Alex Milway
  • The Giraffe the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl

In Year 2 there is a greater focus on children being able to answer a range of questions about a given text. Here are some examples of comprehensions below. 

A Monster Surprise ComprehensionThe Bear comprehension



In Year 2 the children have a greater focus on understanding what numbers are and how to partition them. The children need to have a good understanding of number bonds to and within 10 and 20. There is also a big focus on recall of multiplication and division facts for 2s, 5s and 10s.

The link below loads up an interactive hundred square. You may wish to use this to identify two digit numbers, count forwards and backwards, find one more and one less than a given number.

Interactive Hundred Square



Useful Websites

You will find the following websites useful in supporting your child's learning at home. 

Follow this link to access the Oxford Reading Buddy website where you can use your own personal login to read lots of extra books! Why not try one of the reading quizzes afterwards?

Follow this link to access the main website that we use to support phonics and spelling in school. Username: Williams Password: tigger

Maths Follow this link for a range of Maths games for mental calculations, ordering numbers and times tables.

Follow this link and use your login details to access the times table rockstar competitions.